Education Milestones
B.B.A. in Marketing, University of Texas at Austin
Education Milestones
M.A. in English, University of North Texas (Language &
Composition, Rhetoric)
Education Milestones
M.A. in Humanities, Pacifica Graduate Institute (Mythological
Studies & Depth Psychology)
Education Milestones
Ph.D. in Humanities, Pacifica Graduate Institute (Focus on
Archetypal & Mythocultural Literature in a Technological
Career Highlight
AP English Instructor & District Lead, Public School Systems
Publications & Papers
Aligning Curriculum and Comrades: Starting Your Own Vertical
Team 5. Antigone and Other Works of Civil Disobedience
Publications & Papers
The Five Most Critical Mistakes Even Successful Schools Make
(October 2016 ASCD Principal Publication)
Publications & Papers
Seat-based Versus Competency-based Learning
Publications & Papers
Dissertation: Approaches to Teaching Archetypal and
Mythocultural Literature in a Technological World
Publications & Papers
Dissertation: Approaches to Teaching Archetypal and
Mythocultural Literature in a Technological World
Publications & Papers
Book Commercials by Kids of All Ages
Publications & Papers
Antigone and Other Works of Civil Disobedience
Publications & Papers
Aligning Curriculum and Comrades: Starting Your Own Vertical
Publications & Papers
Dark and Distant Connections: An Interdisciplinary Lesson with
Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Pit and the Pendulum”
Publications & Papers
Developing an AP English Syllabus: Part I
Publications & Papers
Developing an AP English Syllabus: Part II
Publications & Papers
Don’t Abandon Ship! Approaches to Help Teachers and Vertical
Teams Juggle the Research Project
Publications & Papers
Fair Fighting: The Argumentation Arena
Publications & Papers
Grand Allusions: Herman Melville’s Billy Budd and Mary
Shelley’s Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus
Publications & Papers
Growing up with the Myth of Miss Watson, Mississippi, and
Misconceptions: Studying The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Publications & Papers
Hitting on all Cylinders: Relevant Vocabulary Study
Publications & Papers
Know Thyself: Oedipus Rex and Siddhartha
Publications & Papers
Language in the Hands of Sixteen Year-olds: Stepping into
Style with Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
Publications & Papers
Logic and Teenagers: A Novel Idea for Pre-AP Students Reading
George Orwell’s Animal Farm
Publications & Papers
Multiple-Choice Success in High Stakes Testing
Publications & Papers
The Odyssey of a Freshman: Teaching Homer’s Epic
Publications & Papers
Opening ‘The Prison Door” to Style Analysis (8th ed.):
Introducing The Scarlet Letter to 21st Century Students
Publications & Papers
Raising the Bar: Outside Reading Requirements
Publications & Papers
Real Technology in the English Classroom: Not Just Bells and
Whistles Anymore
Publications & Papers
Simplifying Syntax
Career Highlight
Present–CEO & Founder, Center for Educational ReVision
Career Highlight
College Board Trainer & Consultant
Career Highlight
Owner & National Trainer, Jane Schaffer Writing Program®