Welcome to a site for sore eyes, eyes that are ready to visualize a
new future for education. Let's first decide what we must carry forward
from the past and what we must leave behind, what we must do to engage
our new thinkers, both new teachers and contemporary students. How shall
we visualize and transform the modern classroom? This advice column is
for teachers to ask questions and for me to find the answers, either
through my own experience over the past twenty years, by contacting my
Submitted by BighamAdmin on Wed, 2010-08-04 00:00
Welcome to a site for sore eyes, eyes that are ready to visualize a
new future for education. Let's first decide what we must carry forward
from the past and what we must leave behind, what we must do to engage
our new thinkers, both new teachers and contemporary students. How shall
we visualize and transform the modern classroom? This advice column is
for teachers to ask questions and for me to find the answers, either
through my own experience over the past twenty years, by contacting my